Персонажи мира Гарри Поттер

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Abbott, Hannah: Однокурсник Гарри. Факультет Хаффлпафф

Abercrombie, Euan: Первокурсник (первый раз упоминается в пятой книге). Отличительная черта - огромные уши. Факультет Гриффиндор.

Ackerly, Stewart: Студент. Факультет Рейвенкло.

v Agrippa: Волшебник, изображенный на карточке из-под шоколадной лягушки.

Alberic: Волшебник, изображенный на карточке из-под шоколадной лягушки.

Aragog: Гигантский паук. Был приручен Хагридом, будучи ещё детенышем. Сейчас обитает в Запретном лесу.

Archie: Мужчина, который был одет в женскую одежду во время в Международного Кубка по Квиддичу.

Avery: Пожиратель смерти. (первый раз появляется в пятой книге)


Baddock, Malcolm: Студент. Факультет Слизерин.

Bagman, Ludo: The former Wimbourne wasps beater who was accused of being a death eater and commentated at the Quidditch World Cup. He lost all his money on bets and couldn't pay his debts. After Book 4, Ludo dissapeared, and has not returned.

Bagman, Otto: Брат Людо Бэгмана.

Bagnold, Millicent: Министр Магии, предшественник Корнелиуса Фаджа.

Bagshot, Bathilda: Автор "Истории Магии".

Bane: A centaur. Harry meets him in the Forbidden Forest, Bane is the one who Harry suspected to have kicked Firenze after Firenze's battle with the Centaurs in the Forbidden Forest.

Bell, Katie: One of the chasers for Gryffindor, a member of the DA.

Prof. Binns: Professor Binns teaches History of Magic, and is the only ghost that is a teacher. The tales go that a very old he fell asleep in the staff room when it was on fire, and woke up as a ghost and continued teaching at Hogwarts.

Mrs. Black: Sirius Black's mother who supported Voldemort; now a picture in Grimmauld Place.

Black, Elladora: Started the Black Family tradition of beheading House Elves when they got to old to carry tea trays.

Black, Regulus: Sirius Black's brother, who was a Death Eater, and was killed on Voldemort's orders, or by Voldemort.

Black, Sirius: Sirius Black is Harry's godfather. He was unfairly accused for 2 crimes that he didn't do, and was locked in Azkaban until he escaped. Sirius is also and unregistered animagus, and has the power to turn into a black dog at will, Sirius fell through the veil in the Death Chamber in Book 5(OotP).

Bletchley: The keeper for the Slytherin quidditch team.

Bloody Baron: The Slytherin ghost. Nobody knows how he got all of the blood stains on him.

Bode, Broderick: An Unspeakable in the Dept. Of Mysteries, was used to try and steal the Prophecy, put under the Imperius Curse, and went insane after touching the Prophecy. Was sent to St. Mungo's before being murdered by Devils Snare, desguised as a pot plant in St. Mungo's.

Bones: Семья Сьюзен Боунс. Убита Волдемортом и пожирателями смерти.

Bones, Madam: Was part of the Wizengamot set in front of Harry Potter when he used the Patronus against two dementors.

Bones, Susan: A Hufflepuff in Harry's year who's parents were killed by Voldemort, and who is also a member in the DA.

Boot, Terry: A Ravenclaw in Harry's year, who is a member of the DA.

Bott, Bertie: The guy that invented "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans."

Bozo: Rita Skeeter's photographer.

Branstone, Eleanor: Студентка. Факультет Хаффлпафф.

Bryce, Frank: The Riddle's gardener who was murdered by Lord Voldemort.

Brocklehurst, Mandy: Однокурсник Гарри. Факультет Рейвенкло.

Brown, Lavender: A Gryffindor in Harry's year, who is a member of the DA, and went to the Yule Ball with Seamus Finnagan.

Buckbeak: The hippogriff who bit Malfoy and was beheaded for being "savage." Was saved when Hermione and Harry went back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak. Was hidden in the mountain in Hogsmeade during Book 4, and later moved to Sirius' mother's room in Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

Bulstrode, Millicent: A Slytherin in Harry's year. Hermione turned into her cat, when drinking the polyjuice potion in there 2nd Year, she was a member of the Inquisitorial Squad under Umbridge's ruling of the school.


Cadogan, Sir: Picture that took The Fat Lady's Place for a short time.

Cauldwell, Owen: Студент Хогвартса. Факультет Хаффлпафф.

Chang, Cho: Harry's crush who is a year older and is also seeker for the Ravenclaw quidditch team, she went out with Harry in book 5, and later Michael Corner.

Circe: A character on a chocolate frog card.

Clearwater, Penelope: Ravenclaw Prefect and Percy Weasley's girlfriend in Book 2.

Cliodna: A character on a chocolate frog card.

Corner, Michael: Cho Chang's boyfriend, after Harry, and member of the DA, and was Ginny's boyfriend before Cho.

Crabbe, Vincent: One of Draco Malfoy's henchmen. In one word, a brute. Was part of the Inquisitorial Squad in Book 5.

Creevey, Colin: Worships Harry. He was petrified when the Chamber of Secrets was opened, was a member of the DA.

Creevey, Dennis: Colin's younger brother, was also a member of the DA.

Crockford, Doris: A woman at the Leaky Cauldron that kept lining up to shake Harry's hand in Book 1.

Crookshanks: Hermione's big hairy orange/brown cat who was accused of killing Scabbers and helped Sirius get into Hogwarts.

Crouch, Bartemius: The deceased head of "International Magical Cooperation".

Crouch, Bartemius Jr.: Tortured Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom and escaped from Azkaban only to lock up then impersonate Alastor Moody throughout Harry's 4th year at Hogwarts. Received the dementor's kiss, under the order of Cornelius Fudge.


Davies, Roger: Ravenclaw's Quidditch captain and went to the Yule ball with Fleur.

Dawlish, ?: Auror for the Ministry

Delacour, Fleur: Fleur Delacour was the champion for Beauxbatons, and went to the Yule Ball with Roger Davies.

Dennis: He is in Dudley's little gang of big, stupid, bullies.

Derwent, Dilys: Most celebrated Headmistress of Hogwarts, and St. Mungo's healer, now resides in a frame in Dumbledore's office, and has another portrait in St. Mungo's.

Diggle, Dedalus: McGonagall suspects that he set off fireworks the day Voldemort fell. He also meets Harry at the Leaky Cauldron. Part of the Order.

Doge, Elphias: A member of Harry's Advanced Guard, and a member of the Order.

Dumbledore, Aberforth: The brother of Albus Dumbledore; Once prosecuted for practicing magic on a goat, he is now the barman for the Hogs Head.

Dumbledore, Albus: Albus Dumbledore is the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared. He is the headmaster of Hogwarts, and seems to be a very wise person to me. Dumbledore always seems to set things right, no wonder Harry trusts him. Well, there is always the saying that he is a little crazy...

Dursley, Dudley: Harry's fat cousin who is a mean, spoiled, bully.

Dursley, Marge: Sister of Vernon Dursley, she hates Harry, maybe even more then the other Dursleys. She breeds dogs, and her favorite dog is named Ripper.

Dursley, Petunia: Harry's long necked aunt who spends much of her time spying on the perfectly normal neighbors.

Dursley, Vernon: Harry's big beefy, mean, uncle with hardly any neck who is the president of a drill company named Grunning's.

Delacour, Gabrielle: Fleur's little eight year-old sister whom Harry rescued from the depth's of the lake during hte second task.

Delaney Podmore, Patrick: The leader of the headless hunt in which Nearly Headless Nick could not participate in.

Diggory, Amos: Cedric's father who is the head of the Department of Magical Transportation in the Ministry.

Diggory, Cedric: One of the Hogwart's school champions who was killed by Lord Voldemort. He was in Hufflepuff and was captain and seeker of the Hufflepuff quidditch team. According to the book, he was extremely handsome and smart, and was Cho's boyfriend.

Dobbs, Emma: A Hogwarts student.

Dobby: The Malfoy's house elf, who was set free by Harry, he now works at Hogwarts.


Emeric the Evil: was mixed up with Uric the Oddball in History of Magic.

Ernie: Driver of the Knight Bus.

Errol: The Weasley's old beat up owl.


Fang: Hagrid's pet boarhound.

Fat Friar: The Hufflepuff house resident ghost.

Fat Lady, The: The potrait that hangs in front of the Gryffindor Tower, just tell her the password, and if it's correct, she'll let you in.

Fawkes: Dumbledore's pet phoenix who saved Harry's life in the Chamber of Secrets.

Figg, Arabella: Squib who lives near Harry Potter, who is a part of the Order.

Filch, Argus: Filch is the care taker of Hogwarts. He is rumoured to be a squib and is especially nasty to the students. Mrs. Norris is a cat that always follows him around.

Finch-Fletchley, Justin: Student in Hufflepuff house who is a part of the DA.

Finnigan, Seamus: One of Harry's fellow Gryffindor friends, and later had a fight with Harry, but soon made it up, and joined the DA.

Firenze: A centaur in the Forbidden Forest, and in Harry's 5th year, accepted the Divination position at Hogwarts, and was banished from the forest, and his herd.

Flamel, Nicolas: An alchemist and friend of Dumbledore who invented the Sorcerer's Stone.

Flamel, Perenelle: Wife of Nicolas Flamel.

Fletcher, Mundungus: He tried to put a hex on Arthur Weasley when he had his back turned. Dumbledore also mentions him as one of the "old crowd." Mundungus is a very shifty criminal who is a part of the Order of the Phoenix.

Flint, Marcus: Marcus Flint is a Slytherin alumnus. He played Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team and was also the captain.

Fluffy: A three headed dog that Hagrid bought in Harry's first year to protect the Sorcerer's Stone.

Fridwulfa: Giantess mother of Hagrid, who was killed.

Fudge, Cornelius: Minister for Magic in Book 1-5.


Goshawk, Miranda: Author of the series of the Standard Book of spells.

Goyle, Gregory: One of Draco Malfoy's Best Friends, who was a part of the Inquisitorial Squad.

Granger, Hermione: Hermione (Her-mi-oh-nee) Granger Harry's other best friend, and is the smartest student in the whole year. She has a knack for learning spells quickly, has an extrodinarily brilliant mind. She is a muggle-born witch, both her parents are dentists. Though she is Harry's best-friend, she often bickers with Ron when ever they have disagree, she was a part of the DA, and went to the Ministry to battle the Death Eaters.

Grey Lady, The: Ghost of the Ravenclaw house.

Grindelwald: A Dark Wizard defeated by Professor Albus Dumbledore in 1945.

Grubbly-Plank, Professor: A substitue at Hogwarts for Care of Magical Creatures.

Gryffindor, Godric: Founder of the Gryffindor House.

Gudgeon, Davey: Nearly lost an eye by touching the Whomping Willow.

Gudgeon, Gladys: One of Gilderoy Lockhart's biggest fans.


Hagrid, Rubeus: Hagrid was expelled from Hagrid for a crime that he didn't commit, but stayed on as the schools gamekeeper. Additional to his game keeper duties, Hagrid also teaches Care for Magical Creatures, due to his liking of vicious creatures. He is a good friend of Harry, and it was he who brought 1 year old Harry from his old house to the Dursleys. Hagrid has also been revealed as a half-giant in Book 4. Hagrid and Olympe Maxime went on a mission seeking the help of the Giants in the war, and was also put on Probation, and sacked by Umbridge.

Hedwig: Harry's devoted and faithful owl.

Hengist of Woodcroft: Chocolate frog card character.

Hermes: Percy's screech owl.

Higgs, Terrence: The Slytherin quidditch team's seeker before Malfoy.

Hooch, Madam: The quidditch teacher at Hogwarts.

Hornby, Olive: The one who found Moaning Myrtle's body, who was teasing Myrtle hours before.

Hopkirk, Mafalda: Witch from the Improper Use of magic Office. She sends Harry a warning after Dobby uses a Hover charm in Book 2, and also expels Harry in Book 5, before fully reinstating him.

Hufflepuff, Helga: One of the four powerful witches and wizards that founded Hogwarts. Hufflepuff house is named after her.

Humberto, The Great: A Person on a show, Dudley is mad that he missed it when the Dursleys and Harry are running from all of the letters.


Jigger, Arsenius: Author of "Magical Drafts and Potions."

Johnson, Angelina: Gryffindor student and chaser, later named Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, and was a member in the DA.

Jones, Hestia: A black haired, and pink cheeked member of the Order, who was part of Harry's Advanced Guard.

Jordan, Lee: The Weasley twins' friend. Gryffindor student and announcer for the quidditch matches, was a DA member.


Karkaroff, Igor: Durmstrang Institute headmaster. Former death eater now on the run from Lord Voldemort.

Kettleburn, Professor: Taught Care of Magical Creatures before Hagrid did.

Kreacher: Number 12 Grimmauld Place's House Elf, who lied to Harry, and led him to the Dept. Of Mysteries, eventually causing Sirius Black's death.

Krum, Viktor: Krum plays seeker for the Bulgarian Quidditch team, and was the school champion chosen for Durmstrang Institute. He is also Hermione's "penpal."


Lestrange, Bellatrix: Sirius Black's cousin, who was sent to Azkaban for torturing Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom to insanity.

Lestrange, Rodolphus: Sent to Azkaban for torturing Mr. and Mr. Longbottom to insanity.

Lockhart, Gilderoy: Lockhart taught Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry's second year, and was what you might call a moral boaster. He wrote lots of books about the thing he 'says' he's done, but didn't do.

Longbottom, Alice: Neville's mother who was tortured into insanity, now resides in St. Mungos.

Longbottom, Algie: Neville's great uncle, who gave Neville his plant.

Longbottom, Enid: Neville's great aunt.

Longbottom, Frank: Neville's father who was tortured by Bartemius Crouch Jr. and lost his memory.

Longbottom, Neville: An extremely forgetful Gryffindor student who was a member of the DA, and traveled to the Ministry to fight the Death Eaters.

Lovegood, Luna: One year younger than Harry Potter, a Ravenclaw, met Harry in Book 5, joined the DA, and fought with her friends in the Ministry against the Death Eaters.

Lupin, Remus: Former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Is a werewolf. He was also James Potters best friend. He was allowed to come to Hogwarts as long as he transformed safely, away from the other students, he is a part of the Order, and saved Harry and his classmates from the Death Eaters in the Ministry.

Lynch, Adrian: Seeker on Irish National Team.


MacDougal, Morag: Student at Hogwarts mentioned in the sorting.

MacMillan, Ernie: Hufflepuff student who was petrified when the Chamber of Secrets was opened.

Malfoy, Draco: Draco, Lucius' son who attends Hogwarts and is the same year as Harry. They are what you might call arch enemies, both hating each other tremendously.

Malfoy, Lucius: Lucius Malfoy was a wizard of great importance in the current wizarding world. But when Voldemort was still in power, it was believed that he was right in his inner circle, in which he was responsible for muggle torturing.

Malfoy, Narcissa: Draco's pale-faced mother.

Malkin, Madam: Owns robe shop.

Mason, Mr. and Mrs.: A rich builder and wife who come to a dinner party at the Dursley's on Harry's twelfth birthday.

Maxime, Olympe: Half-giant headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy, claims she is Big-Boned...Hagrid has a crush on her, who traveled with Hagrid to coax the giants to join Dumbledore.

McDonald, Natalie: Gryffindor First Year in Book 4.

McGonagall, Minerva: Professor McGonagall is the deputy headmistress, and teaches Transfiguration. She is also the head of Gryffindor house. According to the book, she is very strict, but not mean. She is part of the Order.

McGuffin, Jim: A Muggle weatherman.

McKinnons: A Family killed by Voldemort.

McLagan: A character JKR mentioned in the Edinburgh festival who will be making an appearence in Book 6.

McMillian, Ernie: Hufflepuff Student and friends with Justin Finch Fletchy, he is part of the DA.

McNair, Walden: Executioner for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures and is a Death Eater, and was in charge of killing Buckbeak but failed.

Medley, Laura: First Year Hufflepuff in Book 4.

Meliflua, Araminta: Tried to force through a Ministry bill to make Muggle Hunting legal.

Merlin: Character on Chocolate Frog card.

Midgen, Eloise: Hogwarts Student who tried to curse the pimples off her face and unfortuanely had to have Madame Pompfrey put her nose back on.

Mimsey-Porpington, Sir Nicholas de: Nearly Headless Nick's real name, The Gryffindor house resident ghost. His head is held on by a miniscule piece of flesh. Been Dead for over 500 Years, and has been rejected by the Headless Hunt everytime he tries.

Moaning Myrtle: Unhappy girl ghost that haunts the upstairs girls' bathroom. Was killed by the Basilisk in 1942.

Moody, Alastor: Former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Highly successful auror, was stunned and kept in his trunk throughout the entire school year at Hogwarts while he was being impersonated by Bartemius Crouch Jr.

Moon: A Hogwarts student mentioned in sorting.

Moony: Remus Lupin's childhood nickname.

Morgana: Character on Chocolate Frog card.

Mostafa, Hasan: Egyptian Referee for The Quidditch World Cup in Book 4.

Munch, Eric: Security wizard at the Ministry of Magic.


Mrs. Norris: Filch's cat that stalks the castle looking for any rule-breaking.

Nearly Headless Nick: The Gryffindor house resident ghost. His head is held on by a miniscule piece of flesh. Been Dead for over 500 Years.

Nigellus, Phineas: Sirius Black's Great-Great Grandfather, and the worst Headmaster Hogwarts ever had. He hates kids.

Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback: Hagrid's pet dragon, who Charlie took to a colony. Nott, Theodore: A Student at Hogwarts mentioned in the sorting.


Obalonsk, ?: Bulgarian Minister of Magic ( Thanks Quinn! )

Ollivander: Owns the wand shop in Diagon Alley


Padfoot: Sirius Black's childhood Hogwarts nickname.

Parkinson, Pansy: A Slytherin girl with a face like a pug, was a part of the Inquisitorial Squad.

Patil, Padma: Student of Ravenclaw and is the twin of Parvati Patil Sent in by Patrick

Patil, Parvati: Student of Gryffindor and is the Twin of Padma Patil, she is part of the DA.

Peeves: A poltergeist who loves to get students in trouble. The only person who can control him is the Bloody Baron.

Perkins, ?: A worker for the Ministry.

Pigwidgeon: Ron's overexcited tiny owl that was given to him by Sirius.

Pince, Madam: The irritable Hogwarts librarian.

Podmore, Patrick Delaney: Leader of the Headless Hunt.

Podmore, Sturgis: Member of the Order of the Phoenix, and Harry's Advanced Guard. Was sent to Azkaban for six month's for trying to get through a Top Secret Door.

Polkiss, Piers: Dudley's friend. He goes to the zoo with the Dursleys and Harry.

Pomfrey, Poppy: The Hogwarts school nurse. Harry sees her quite often.

Potter, Harry: Harry Potter is the star of the HP series. Born to two great wizarding parents, his life was almost lost when Voldemort (the most feared wizard of all time) launched an attack on their home. Unfortuanately, his parents died, but he was spared his life after his mom died to save him. His only memory of the incident is the legendary scar on his head and the memories he see whne the dementors are near. Harry met Voldemort again in Book 1, Book 2, and Book 4, where he witnesed Voldemort rising again. And of course in Book 5, countless times.

Potter, James: Harry's father who was killed by Lord Voldemort.

Potter, Lily: Harry's mother who was also killed by Lord Voldemort.

Prewetts: A Family killed by Voldemort.

Pritchard, Graham: First Year Slytherin at Hogwarts in Book 4.

Prongs: James Potter's childhood nickname.

Ptolemy: Character on Chocolate Frog card. Ron doesn't have this one.

Pucey, Adrian: A Slytherin chaser and student.


Quirke, Orla: First Year Ravenclaw in Book 4.

Quirrel, Professor: Professor Quirrell taught Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry's first year, but it turns out that he was Voldemorts supportor was here at Hogwarts to steal the Philosophers Stone. But quite 'unfortunately', he died.


Ravenclaw, Rowena: One of the four great wizards and witches that founded Hogwarts. Ravenclaw house is named after her.

Riddle, Tom: a.k.a. Lord Voldemort. Tried to murder Harry in the Chamber of Secrets.

Ripper: Aunt Marge's dog who pines when she's away, chased Harry up a tree years ago.

Roberts, Mr.: Manager of the Weasleys' campsite during the Quidditch World Cup; Roberts is a Muggle

Rockwood, Augustus: A deatheater who worked for the Ministry of Magic.

Ronan: A centaur in the Forbidden Forest.

Rosmerta, Madam: The barmaid at The Three Broomsticks.


Scabbers: a.k.a Peter Pettigrew. Pretended to be Ron's rat for thirteen years.

Scamander, Newt: Author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"

Simpson, Patricia: A girl in Fred and George's year, who kept coming over in faint during OWL's.

Sinistra, Professor: Teacher of Astronomy at Hogwarts.

Skeeter, Rita: Daily Prophet writer who writes horrible lies about people including Harry, Hermione and Hagrid, but in the fifth year, she writes an article for the Quibbler, that convinces many people that Harry is not lieing.

Slytherin, Salazar: One of the four whiches and wizards who founded Hogwarts. Slytherin house is named after him. He created the Chamber of Secrets.

Snape, Severus: The greasy haired potions teacher hates the Potter family. He is also the head of Slytherin, and favours all his students before others. Snape was a deatheater, but returned to the 'good' side before Voldemorts downfall and turned spy for the 'good' side at 'a great personal risk.' Snape was a spy for the Order in Book 5.

Sorting Hat: The Sorting Hat is the hat that students try on to find out what house they will be in. The hat originally belonged to Godric Gryffindor, and Harry pulled out a ruby encrusted sword in his second year.

Spinnet, Alicia: A Gryffindor chaser and student.

Spore, Phyllida: Author of "One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi."

Sprout, Proffesor: Herbology teacher and head of Hufflepuff house.

Shunpike, Stan: Conductor of Knight's Bus Sent in by Patrick

Switch, Emeric: Author of "A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration."

Shacklebolt, Kingsley: An Auror for the Ministry, and a member of the Order.


Ted: Muggle news reporter.

Thomas, Dean: A tall, black Gryffindor student who is a very good drawer.

Tom: Bartender at the Leaky Cauldron.

Tonks, Andromeda: Nymphadora Tonks mother.

Tonks, Nymphadora: Auror for the Ministry of Magic, and member of the Order.

Tonks, Ted: A muggle, who married Andromeda Tonks, mother of N. Tonks.

Towler, Kenneth: A student in Fred and George's year, who kept coming out in boils during OWL's because Fred and George put Bulbadox powder in his PJ's.

Trelawney, Sibyll: The misty eyed Divination teacher with huge glasses, was put on Probation in Harry's fifth year, and later sacked.

Trevor: The name of Neville's toad, Trevor seems to always be missing.

Trimble, Quentin: Author of "The Dark Forces: A Guide ot Self Protection."

Turpin, Lisa: A Ravenclaw student.


Uric the Oddball: Was mixed up with Emeric the Evil in History of Magic.

Umbridge, Dolores Jane: Was the Senior Undersecretary to the Ministry, before she took the Defense Against the Dark Arts job at Hogwarts, and made life bad for everyone except the Slytherins, she soon became the Headmistress, and then was taken out of that position.


Vablatsky, Cassandra: Author of "Unfogging the Future."

Vance, Emmeline: Part of Harry's Advanced Guard, and member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Vector, Professor: Arithmancy Teacher at Hogwarts.

Viridian, Vindictus: Author of "Curses and Countercurses."

Voldemort: a.k.a Tom Riddle, The dark lord. Most wizards refer to him as "You-Know-Who" or "he-who-must-not-be-named".

Voldov, ?: Bulgarian Quidditch Team Beater. ( Thanks Quinn! )

Vulchanov: The other Bulgarian Beater. ( Thanks Quinn! )


Waffling, Adalbert: Author of "A Magical Theory."

Warbeck, Celectina: A popular singing sorceress.

Warrington: Warrington is a Slytherin. He plays on the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Weasley, Arthur: Ron's father who is head of the "Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office" in the Ministry.

Weasley, Bill: The eldest Weasley brother. Is a charm-breaker at Gringotts. Was Head Boy at Hogwarts, when he attended there. He applied for a desk job at Gringott's so that he could work for the Order, and recruit members.

Weasley, Charlie: The second eldest Weasley brother. He breeds dragons in Romania, he was the Gryffindor Quiddith Captain, when he was at Hogwarts. Stay's in Romania in Book 5, because the Order wants lots of foreign wizards in the Order.

Weasley, Fred and George: Ron's two year older twins who are funny and beaters for the Gryffindor quidditch team. They left Hogwarts in their mid-Seventh year, and started their own Jokeshop.

Weasley, Ginny: The youngest Weasley. Has a crush on Harry. A member of the DA, and went with her friends to the Ministry to fight the Death Eaters.

Weasley, Molly: The mother of all of the Weasley kids.

Weasley, Percy: The strict rule-abiding Weasley who now works in the Ministry.

Weasley, Ron: Ron Weasley is Harry's best friend from school. He is a pure-blood wizard, and if often shadowed by his higher achieving brothers (5 brothers, 1 sister). Ron is very tall, not to mention the flaming red hair, and a face splashed with freckles. He is best at chess, and it was he who helped Harry and Hermione get past Professor McGonagalls giant chess set in their first year. Ron traveled with his friends to the Ministry to battle Death Eaters in his fifth year.

Whitby, Kevin: First Year Hufflepuff in Book 4.

Wimple, Gilbert: Employee of Commite of Experimental Charms.

Winky: Barty Crouch's house elf that was sacked at the Quidditch World Cup and now works at Hogwarts.

Wood, Oliver: The former Gryffindor quidditch team's captain who now is a reserve keeper for Puddlemore United.

Wormtail: Peter Pettigrew's childhood Hogwarts nickname.


Yvonne: Подруга (друг) тети Петуньи из Майорки. (I книга)


Zabini, Blaise: Студентка. Факультет Слизерин

Zeller, Rose: Первокурсник. Факультет Хаффлпафф.